Ice Storm Warning and Freezing Rain Advisory

Alert Type: Ice Storm Warning and Freezing Rain Advisory
Issued or Partial Issued States: SC, NC, VA, DC, MD, PA
Site: National Weather Force has issued a Ice Storm Warning and Freezing Rain Advisory effective Sunday, January 16, 2022

Date Issued: 1/15/22 at 5:45 am Eastern

Forecast: A clipper system out of Canada affected the Midwest on Friday and is continuing today. A warm front overrunning the freezing temperatures across the inner Eastern USA will be present overnight tonight. Sometime around or after midnight, the surface low will bring this air over the freezing air across Northern SC and into NC, spreading north throughout the day on Sunday.

The NWF Ice Storm Warning conditions will be from Northern SC through South, Central and Northern NC and north into South to Central VA.

To the east of this area will be the NWF Freezing Rain Advisory, which is slightly less than an ice storm warning. This advisory will be a dangerous one because it is along Highway 95 from SC all the way through to Washington DC and into Eastern PA.

NWF Ice Storm Warning means that conditions are likely for ice accumulation of over 0.25″ and gusty winds that will knock power out and down branches.
NWF Freezing Rain Advisory is for a glaze to 0.24″ of ice and gusty winds that may bring power outages and falling branches.


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